Teen lesson #2 - Don't Desire What Your Friend Has - Lo Saamod V'Lo T'save

This Mitzvah forbids us to desire another Jew's possessions and to take measures to acquire them.

Teen Lesson 2

Don't Desire What Your Friend Has

“Lo Saamod V’Lo T’save”

Last week we discussed taking responsibility for the possessions of others


I enter her house and my eyes scan the whole place. Wow! What a house! The artwork is stunning and the kitchen is a dream. And there is a maid hovering around her giving her anything she could possibly ask for. “If only I had a maid making me my favorite foods. If only our living room had such a nice rug. If only our furniture was so clean…” I start to think. And then I realize that I have so much. My mother makes my favorite foods with love and care. Since our rugs are worn out, my siblings and I can run and play in the living room; tattered furniture is a sign of life. I have what I need and I should be happy. I am happy.

Stretch of the Week

At least once this week take a moment to appreciate what you were given without comparing it to what others have.

Points to Ponder

Is there a certain type of person that most people envy?

How do people lose out by having feelings of jealousy?

How would a person gain if they were to feel pleasure when they hear about the good fortune of others?


“The Mitzvos of Lo T’save and Lo Sachmod forbid us to desire another Jew’s possessions and to take measures to acquire them. The issur applies whether we are pressuring another person to sell the items to us when he is not interested in selling, or whether we are pleading with him to give something to us as a gift. If the item is for sale, pressuring the seller to reduce the price is considered normal negotiation techniques and is permissible. The root of these violations is the middah of envy, which is a very destructive trait that should be carefully avoided.”-Taken from The Code of Jewish Conduct, Rabbi Yitzchak Silver, Pg. 175.


Stretch Of The Week