Teen lesson #1 - Don't Ignore your Friend's Pain - Lo Saamod Al Dam Rei'acha
This mitzvah prohibits us from standing idly by when a fellow Jew is in danger and we are in a position to save him from that danger.
This series was designed for the teenage female audience. Designed to take 20 minutes. It also is a wonderful example of how easily the curriculum can be adapted to fit many different types of audiences.
This mitzvah prohibits us from standing idly by when a fellow Jew is in danger and we are in a position to save him from that danger.
This Mitzvah forbids us to desire another Jew's possessions and to take measures to acquire them.
This mitzvah prohibits us from taking revenge against someone who has wronged us physically, monetarily or verbally, as well as from bearing a grudge against him in our heart.
The mitzvah of lo sisna prohibits us from hating any Jew in our heart, with the exception of certain categories of sinners, some of whom we are permitted to hate but must otherwise treat like any other Jew; and others-kofrim-who are in an even more s
We are obligated to both honor and revere our parents, and to refrain from cursing, striking and disgracing them in any way.
Special halachos guide our conduct toward parents who are sinners or who are of objectionable character.
There are a number of distinctions between the obligations one has toward a father and those toward a mother, and between the obligations of a son and those of a daughter.
In Pirkei Avos (4:1) it says Ayzehu mechubad? Ha'm'chabed es habrios - Our Sages explain: “Who is honorable? Someone who shows honor and respect to other peopleâ€.